


Developer and designer.

I create things on the internet.


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  • All Projects
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • JQuery
  • React.js
  • Node.js
  • Django
  • SQL
  • No-SQL
  • E-Commerce
  • Full-Stack


Critical Thinking

I approach every situation or problem with a keen eye and mind. Through detail oriented observation and problem solving, I strive to use my critical thinking skills to their full capacity.


A person is only as strong as the others around them. I believe that cooperation and consistent communication is the key to any team's success. I uphold these values toward cooperation in every group I am a part of.


Sometimes difficult problems require creative solutions. Whether it be in design or logical impementaion, I strive to find the most efficient solution to the task at hand.


Fullstack Academy


  • Learned full-stack web development over a rigorous eight month course.
  • Created 18 projects ranging from a portfolio site to a full-stack, e-commerce website.
  • Explored the MERN stack, including PostgreSQL for further knowledge of backend construction.



  • Teaching six students, one-on-one, ranging from ages 4-14 on English speaking, writing, and reading daily at various levels in a virtual environment.
  • Creating unique reports after each class for individual students detailing their progress.
  • Solving incoming technical difficulties and adapting the lesson to variable circumstances.

Sogang Language Program


  • Taught students English speaking, writing, and reading at various levels, from beginner to advanced, to uphold academic goals and standards.
  • Created learning plans and unique report cards monthly for individual students in 9 different classes.
  • Collaborated with teachers from the local culture to create a learning environment that synthesized both into a curriculum.

I'm human too,

Hello, I'm Brody Wolfgang Faust. I am a full-stack developer who likes pursuing interesting projects on the internet and this is where I showcase them to prospective employers. They were up there, though. If you're here for those you actually just scrolled right on by.

I'm flattered you want to know more about me! Starting in the humanities, the journey that led me to pursuing full-stack development and software engineering has been different than most and filled with a substantial variety of differing, yet complementary experiences, and some would even argue superfluous.

I have always been interested in programming as a hobby. Starting off dabbling in C#, then C++, then Python, it was a regular part of my life. My time at Fullstack Academy was rigorous, exciting, and engaging. I have loved becoming more and more proficient with full-stack web development and the various technologies that come with it.

My background in teaching and my Bachelor's in English and Political Science gives me a unique skill-set that complements the skills I have learned programming. For even more information (flattery will get you everywhere, of course) about my exciting life I've also succumbed to the cures of social media!


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